How can I transfer my existing data from InLoox PM to an InLoox now! account?

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How can I transfer my existing data from InLoox PM to an InLoox now! account?


The following article applies to the InLoox PM Personal Editon as well as the InLoox PM Workgroup/Enterprise Edition.


  • Before you continue with the instructions, please make sure that you have installed the latest version of InLoox PM Client. You can download the latest version here.
  • To upload your InLoox data to a new account, you must have the user permission 'admin'.

Please also note that the data can only be transferred to a completely new InLoox now! account. Merging two databases is explicitly not possible.

1. You are connected in Outlook with the database you want to upload to InLoox now!. In Outlook, select File >> InLoox PM >> Create InLoox now! account.


2. A new dialog opens. It is already prefilled with your name and email address. If desired, you can still change the data. 

  • Enter a new password (at least 8 characters including upper/lower case letters and a number).
  • You can choose whether you want to transfer your documents to InLoox now! document repository. If you disable this option, all documents will still be available as links. However, this only applies to the InLoox Outlook client. Not for InLoox Web App or InLoox Mobile App.
  • Agree to the end user license agreement and the order processing contract.


3. Confirm by clicking on Next

4. Your existing data is now initially loaded and then transferred to the automatically created InLoox now! account. This process can take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the volume of your data. Please do not cancel the process.


5. After the upload is completed, you can directly invite your colleagues to the new account. Use the checkbox to select which colleagues should receive an invitation.

Please note:

  • The possibility to invite further users collectively is only possible directly after the upload. This dialog cannot be opened afterwards.
  • The invitation gives the users the same permissions as in your previous InLoox PM database.
  • Your new InLoox now! account includes a demo license for 5 users and 30 days. Please contact us to extend the account accordingly.


6.Confirm by clicking on Next. The selected contacts automatically receive an invitation to the new InLoox now! account.

7. At the end you can download the (for automatic distribution of the database connection). You can also connect the InLoox Outlook Client directly to InLoox now!. Afterwards you only have to restart Outlook.


8. During the upload you have received an email confirming the creation of your new InLoox now! account. This contains the activation link. Please click on the link to activate your account permanently.

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