Formatting data

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Dashboard allows you to customize various data format settings for numeric and date-time values.

Formatting numeric values

  1. To specify a format for numeric values, select Format in the data item menu.

     This invokes the Numeric Format window.

  2. In the Format type field, select the required format type.
  3. Other format settings are only in effect for specific format types.
    1. Unit  The unit to which values should be converted.
    2. Precision  The number of fractional digits that should be displayed.
    3. Currency  Defines the currency sign and format settings that should be used to display currency values.
      To learn about currency formatting specifics, see the Currency formatting specifics section below of this document.
    4. Currency culture  For currencies used in a region with several cultures, specifies the culture that defines format settings.
    5. Include group separator  Specifies whether or not separators should be inserted between digit groups.

Formatting date-time values

To specify a format for date-time values, use the Format submenu in the data item menu. This submenu lists the available format types that depend on the selected group interval.

 For details on group intervals, see the Grouping topic.

Currency formatting specifics

The Dashboard allows you to specify currency format at two levels: for individual data items and for the entire dashboard.

  1. Data Item Currency
    • To specify which currency to use for a particular data item, select Format from the data item menu.
    • In the Numeric Format dialog, select Currency in the Format type field and use the Currency combo box to select the required currency.
    • For regions with several cultures, you can also select the culture that will be used to format currency values.
    • You can also apply the default dashboard currency by selecting Use dashboard settings in the Currency field.
  2. Dashboard Currency
     You can also specify the default currency for the dashboard. This setting will be applied to dashboard items that have no currency defined.
    • To set the dashboard currency, click the Currency button in the Ribbon.
    • This invokes the Dashboard Currency window. In this window, select the required currency using the Currency combo box.
    • For regions with several cultures, you can also select the culture that will be used to format currency values.
    • You can also specify the client culture that should be used for the dashboard by selecting the Use client system settings item.