Creating and editing custom views

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Organize, sort, and group projects - e.g. by assigned responsibilities, deadlines, project type, priority, etc. You can save the created project list view and open it again as soon as you use the project list again.


Standard views included in InLoox PM Web App

Use the standard views provided by InLoox PM Web App. These views help you to display data in a flexible way.




Active projects

Filter; all non-completed projects

To show all active projects, for example to create turnover lists or to support customers.

Inactive projects

Filter; all completed projects

To inspect archived project records.

Projects by category

Grouping; all projects grouped by the field Category

To help to maintain an overview as projects multiply.

Projects by status

Grouping; all projects grouped by the field Status

To display an internal procedure.

Projects by project manager

Grouping; all projects grouped by the field Project Manager

To display internal responsibilities and allocated projects.

Projects by customer

Grouping; all projects grouped by the field Customer

To display external responsibilities and allocated projects.

Negative gross result

Filter; all projects in which the total costs are higher than the invoices rendered

To identify losses and determine financing requirements.

Open calculations

Filter; all projects with open budgets of the type Calculation

To determine turnover potential and follow up on offers.

Generate a personalized view

InLoox PM Web App enables you to save personalized views. Please follow these steps:

  1. Change the view directly in the project list on the Projects page.
    For more information on how to do this, see Customize a view in this article.
  2. Below the Ribbon, left, in the View area click Save current view.
    1. In the Save View dialog box, enter a view name.
    2. Activate the Visible for all users check box, if you want to share this view with other authorized users.
    3. Click OK.
      The new view is now displayed in the View area.

You can also generate a personalized view for other pages accept page Resources.

Use and manage personalized views

This is how you can use a personalized saved view:

  1. Below the Ribbon left, in the View area selet a view from the list, e.g. Project controlling.
    InLoox PM Web App loads the saved view with customized data.

You can also modify the saved view:

  1. Below the Ribbon left, in the View area click More views.
  2. In the Views dialog box you see all saved views with the information about their type and visibility for other users. Do one of the following:
    • Edit a view  Select one from the list and click Edit. Now you can modify it in the Save View dialog box. See section Generate the personalized view for the description. Then click OK.
    • Remove a view  Remove a template permanently from InLoox PM Web App. Select a view from the list and click Delete.
  3. Click OK.

Customize a view

This example illustrates how you can customize the view of any page accept the page Resources. The page Projects with the project list is a home page in InLoox PM Web App.  You can customize the project list view with the following possibilities: