Soft skills

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Sozial- und Führungskompetenzen

Soft skills include the ...

  • personal values (e.g. fairness & respect)
  • personal characteristics (e.g. patience, friendliness)
  • individual abilities (e.g. critical faculties, enthusiasm)
  • and social skills (e.g. empathy, communication skills)

... of managers and employees of a company. They complement the so-called hard skills (the technical and methodological competencies) of the employee. In order to avoid conflicts when working together on a project, equal importance should be given to the technical and social skills of the team members. Teamwork skills of the project participants are an essential key to the project’s success. Only if all team members have the common project objective in mind and put personal profit aside, then the project has a chance of success. Soft skills are particularly important in leadership and change management.

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