Project controlling

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Ein Projekt überwachen und steuern

The significance of project controlling has been growing lately in project management. It includes planning, monitoring and controlling processes of the technical and deadline activities and necessary working materials and costs for the project development. The project control analysis and estimates the whole project for the control measures with the aim to achieve the agreed results, to implement success factors and to minimize the fiction losses. This process is supported by the corporate management information about the achievement of the corporate objectives. It intends therefore to collect goal-relevant information and to coordinate systematic decisions.

The following processes are used to achieveme objectives in the project control: compilation of the actual data; target/actual comparison; definition and analysis of deviations; early warning, estimation of the consequences and suggestions for the corrective actions; participation and monitoring by the implementation of these measures. The aim of the control is therefore: time orientation; early warning; coordination of the segment plan; decision making; division of the employee information.

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